Saturday, December 31, 2011


So as a new year beckons, the current one must come to a conclusion and as so many others do I am taking a moment (make that an evening) to reflect on what the last year has brought me.

I have decided that I am going to start one of my resolutions for the New Year a little early.
I am going to spend the evening on 'Me Time' taking the opportunity to relax, watch a silly movie and not feel like I'm living against a stopclock, make a little list of what I want to focus on for 2012, do a little pampering, and just simply laze about in my new pyjamas.
It's the simple things in life...
(I swear I am not working in the morning and I am staying in to sleep!)

I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who takes time to read, comment, and enjoy my blog. I always appreciate feedback and your contributions honestly light up my day.
I see my blog as a portfolio of types, showcasing my fusion of journalism and fashion and adding a personal touch.

It's only this year that I have given my blog more focus, after meeting with other talented Irish bloggers, heeding advice from them, friends and independent readers. I started doing outfit posts which I enjoy immensely which without I couldn't imagine the existense of this little world of mine!

I am also so thankful for all the opportunities and life experiences I have encountered over the past year that have been thoroughly enjoyable and invaluable. The good, the bad and the ugly, it has all benefitted me in  someway and shaped decisions and choices that I have made.

So onwards and upwards I say, to the future, to seizing new opportunities and enjoying new experiences.

Happy New Year everyone - 2012, let's be having you!




  1. Lovely post :)
    Happy New Year!!

  2. Just found your blog! love finding other Irish bloggers. your blog looks great! love your style :)

    Your newest follower x

  3. Awh thank you so much! Can't wait to check your out, love the name!
