Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Navajo Chic

I woke up this morning to a grey sky, threatening showers and a cold wind - not ideal for a day trip to Dublin!
Black was my calling.
I love embracing my autumn wardrobe and today was the first time I got the chance to do so.
A sleek city chic look topped off with my Navajo cape which i absolutely adore and newly purchased jewelry a la Shutterbug to add a glamorous edge.
I am loving the Indian trend for the coming season i have even invested in cute little beaded mocassin pumps. Keep it coming that's what i say!
What's your take on the Navajo trend - yay or nay???

Navajo jacket - River Island
Grey felt shorts - Topshop
Black tank - Vila
Brown leather bag - Vila
Gold rope chain - Shutterbug vintage
Ray Ban aviator sunglasses