Monday, October 7, 2013

Thigh's the Limit

Legs for days - that's what we all want right?
Behold the answer to all your dreams of having pins that rival the ole supermodel brigade - 
thigh high boots!
The most flattering of winter boots, if you can get them right.
So easy to carry off on an everyday basis once the following ideals are adhered to:

1. Choose boots that have a soft finish like suede or velvet, or even a matte leather
2. A chunky heel, platform or flat sole works for casually yet has that touch of sophistication
3. Don't be afraid, they're only boots - rock em loud and proud!

Note - avoid patent or shiny leather, buckle overload and skyscraper heel know why?!

I've just got my claws on the divine, must-have Miista Emi thigh highs, as modeled by the amazing Lauren Bejaoui for Folkster! Super comfy, the longest legs of life and sheer perfection! Now available here >>

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Red Robe

Jacket - Shutterbug Vintage// Fedora - Zara// T-shirt - All Saints//Watch - Marc by Marc Jacobs//
Boots - Schuh

You can always trust a faithful jacket to add that somethin' somethin' to an outfit. 
That little lift that takes an ensemble from typical and generally uninteresting to something more, well, interesting!
I'm a self-professed die-hard jacket girl, so much so, I've a full wardrobe section and a free standing rail dedicated to just jackets and coats alone!

This outfit is typical of a jacket doing absolute justice to an otherwise, boring and abysmal jeans and t-shirt situation. This gem is in fact a man's dress robe, a French vintage dress robe at that, which I absolutely adore! I picked up this baby on a recent vintage buying expedition to Paris, and have worshipped it ever since.
Topped off with a fedora and some gold accented jewellery, it transformed a dull rainy-day outfit into something just a little more! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Leather Accents

If I was to choose my favourite time of year, I would have to say September, hands down.
As much as I love summer, what I love more is the balmy transition to a cooler climate, the addition of a knit sweater while still baring legs in the crisp sun. 
September marks newness, a time to reflect and embark on new experiences and revive old promises.

It is also a time whereby we need to assess the fashion season ahead and envision the style we want to portray. Embark on new trends, pursue the addition of key pieces, and put our individual signature on our style sets.

The past couple of weeks I've been playing around with ideas for autumn dressing, and subconsciously I found what I want to endorse this season. Leather pieces have become staple in my wardrobe as of late and my goodness do I love them! From my beloved biker jacket to a colour array of leather mini skirts, and my vintage leather pinafore to my trusty PU leather pants - they're practically basics!

I'm so excited to embrace autumn dressing knowing that leather essentials will provide the foundation for my look. To look put together without trying too hard, feeling a little more glamorous than you do in trusty boyfriend jeans, and loving that chic appeal that leather lends to, I'm already planning my outfits for the season ahead!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Let's Play Ball!

There's nothing better than the delight you can get from picking up a truly unique, original and downright AWESOME item of clothing! 
Behold the jacket of jackets...
This baby is by the Ragged Priest vintage concession, which i nabbed in Topshop Oxford Circus just recently.
Take an old school sports jersey, attach vintage scarves to make the sleeves and hey presto - this beauty came to life!
Super comfortable, the right balance of girl meets boy, and down right amazing (in my humble opinion!)

I teamed my jacket with this vintage glitter smock dress from Shutterbug Vintage and my Jeffrey Campbell Coltrane Spike boots (the shoe of shoes - not kidding!) from Folkster for work and thought hmmm...blogworthy :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Fish Tail Soup Clothing

Introducing Fish Tail Soup Clothing! A totally awesome, badass, breaking-the-rules type label that has just launched it's debut line.

Now I may be a tad biased- the designer is my brother - but I can hold my hands up and say damn that boy has talent!

All t-shirt designs are handcrafted and unique, all creative props go to Cormac Kelly!

However, he decided to call on his stylist of a sister, moi, to help with the debut Spring/Summer lookbook and get the party started!

We were like big kids in a playground - literally! Living the brands ethos: Break the rules, be a rebel, take risks, be adventurous, in other words, F**k The System!!! (FTS...get it?)

So I present to you the Spring/Summer Lookbook - Kids at Heart!

All t-shirts are available for purchase over on NOW!

Models: Louise Cooney, Neil Collins
Photographer: Claire Peterson
Stylist: Sinead Kelly
Designer: Cormac Kelly

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Instagram Diary

I've been a busy bee lately and have been slow on the blogging front the past few weeks.

That being said I've been very active on Instagram AND I have been taking lots of #OOTD photos, so much so I'm proud of myself!

So here is an Instagram round up of some of my recent outfits.
All a mix of vintage pieces from Shutterbug vintage and

I am blogging regularly over on where you can check out what I'm up to and even see my daily rigouts.

Until next time...!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Feeling Blue

(Images via My Pinterest)

Vibrant and fresh, my latest colour crush is cobalt blue.
Adding just enough oomph to make any outfit that bit more interesting, j'adore!
Choose statement pieces like a bright blue overcoat or add a flash of colour with perfect blue accents.
Now to get my hands on that blue Céline bag...!